Discharge Summary Changes

On Tuesday 29th March 2022, there were two changes to the way Medical Officers complete discharge summaries on the EMR. These changes allow for discharge summaries being sent to My Health Record (MyHR) to more accurately display the patient’s diagnoses and medications on discharge.  

Firstly, due to how MyHR receives information, freetext diagnoses are no longer accepted within the discharge summary template.

To add a Diagnosis, complete the discharge summary through the Medical Officer View > Discharge tab and use the Problems & Alerts component. If a principal diagnosis is not selected for a patient admission, then a pink banner note will display on the discharge summary template as a reminder.


Secondly, to ensure an accurate medication list is sent to the patient’s GP and MyHR, if a Discharge Medication Reconciliation is not completed, this will also be reflected on the discharge summary to ensure that receiving clinicians are aware the medication on discharge list is not up to date.

We strongly encourage Medical Officers to use the Medical Officer View > Discharge tab to complete the Discharge Medication Reconciliation and fill out the Problems & Alerts to help improve the quality of discharge summaries sent to MyHR.


Please refer to this Quick Reference Guide for further details.   For any further questions please contact Dr Ann Boo ann.boo@wh.org.au or via myBeepr


March 29, 2022

Discharge Summary Changes