When new Workstations on Wheels are rolled out to the BMM sites will they already have the privacy screens installed? We won’t have to install these ourselves?
Western Health has commenced investigation into the possible installation of privacy screens on devices. A decision on this has not been made as yet.
The order for the Bacchus Marsh Melton devices was placed some months ago. Privacy screens were not included in the order.
If a decision is made to install privacy screens then these will be ordered separately and a team of staff will be trained to install the screens across Western Health.
To protect sensitive information from being displayed on unattended devices, screensavers now activate on Western Health computers after a period of 5 minutes of inactivity, reduced from the previous 10 minutes of inactivity.
Staff are encouraged to please remember, before walking away from a workstation or moving a workstation on wheels / laptop on wheels, to lock the device or log off from the device.
Last Modified: Wednesday, 1st November 2023