EMR Mobile Apps

What is EMR on the Go? 

In short, EMR on the Go are a suite of Mobile Apps that provides clinicians with access to the EMR on a handheld device or a smartphone. This will assist clinicians with easier access to clinical information, especially at the point of care when they are working with patients. 


What apps are being explored? 

We are exploring a number of features and functionalities. These include: 

  • Connect Nursing: enables nurses/midwives to complete documentation and access important patient information at the point of care. 
  • PowerChart Touch: enables clinical staff to review important patient information and also contribute to the patient’s record on the go. 
  • Camera Capture: allows clinical photography to be captured and uploaded directly into the patient’s medical record. For example, for visual tracking of wound care, or in theatres. This improves visibility of important clinical care information and maintains patient security.


How do I apply for a PowerChart Touch and Camera Capture license?

The Digital Health team is supporting clinician access to EMR on the Go, using Bring Your Own (BYO) personal handheld devices or smartphones.  An EMR on the Go license provides you with access to the PowerChart Touch and Camera Capture applications.  

Licenses are limited, so please complete the expression of interest form (you will need to login with your Western Health credentials).  Beforehand, please ensure that your personal device has IOS 15.4 (iPhone) or Android version 8 or a later version.  

The data collected in this form will be used to assess and configure your access to the PowerChart Touch and Camera Capture applications.  

You can expect to receive a response from us within ten business days.  

Licenses will remain active for clinicians who participated in the 2023 pilot.  


Where can I go to learn more about PowerChart Touch and Camera Capture functionality?

We recommend that you access the resources on the Digital Health site to help you navigate PowerChart Touch and Camera Capture under workflow videos or Quick Reference Guides.


Will these devices replace WoWs? 

No. These devices will work in conjunction with the WoWs to give clinicians more options.  Mobility applications have limited functionality and do not support the full care of the patient that is supported by PowerChart on a WoW or desktop.  The introduction of these handheld devices will allow clinicians to choose the device best for each scenario of patient care. 



Allied Health – Nikki Littlewood, Chief Allied Health Informatics Officer – Nikki.Littlewood@wh.org.au

Medical Officers – Dr Kevin Wheeler, Deputy Chief Medical Informatics Officer – Kevin.Wheeler@wh.org.au

Nursing and Midwifery – Kylee Ross, Chief Nursing & Midwifery Informatics Officer – Kylee.Ross@wh.org.au

Nursing and Midwifery – Barbara Lennon, Deputy Chief Nursing & Midwifery Informatics Officer – Barbara.Lennon@wh.org.au