Changes to EMR ID approval process for Highly Restricted and Restricted Antimicrobials from 24 March 2020
From 24 March 2020, there will be a change to the ID approval process in EMR.
An ID Approval Expiry date will now be required for Restricted Antimicrobials prescribed for more than 3 days and all Highly Restricted Antimicrobials.
This is in addition to the existing ID Medical Officer Consulted and ID Approval fields.
ID approval will expire at 7.30 AM on the specified expiry date and nurses will be unable to administer the medication after this time unless further ID approval is obtained.
ID approval related reminders will be sent to the Task Manager for medical staff, the Care Compass for nursing staff and Pharmacy Care Organiser for pharmacists.
Please refer to the following EMR Quick Reference Guides for further information:
Located under M
Medications – Prescribing Antimicrobials (Restricted and Highly Restricted)
Medications – Administering Antimicrobials (Restricted and Highly Restricted)
Located under T
Task Manager